Monday, April 28, 2014

Ribbit, ribbit

That's the sound a toad makes. After three weekends of Bird Island sailing in a row my desire for waves got the better of me. I couldn't face another session at Bird so a wild goose chase ensued looking for wind waves and no weeds! Alas it was not meant to be. We finally ended up at xmas bay and it was awesome. Ultra flat water, shallow but not too shallow and nice steady wind. Freestyle heaven!

I tried a bunch of toads and my wonderful wife took video. Here are some of the attempts:

This is how you are supposed to do it: look a little different! It is however really helpful to compare them. My key take away is that I need to pop after initiating the sail rotation, not before. I'm sure there are lot's of other things I could work on (speed, power, age) but let's try that and see how it goes. Tips and comments welcome!

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